
Experienced Foot & Ankle Doctors

Stretch for Healthy Feet
Stretch for Healthy Feet

Stretch for Healthy Feet

Stretch for Healthy Feet

Stretch for Healthy Feet

We demand a lot from our feet, with the average moderately active person taking around 7,500 steps per day (totaling around 100,000 miles over a lifetime of 80 years). Though feet are arguably a person’s most important mode of transportation, many people condemn their feet to agonizing conditions: hastily packed tight in unsuitable shoes for many hours of the day. It’s no surprise that half of all adults said that foot pain has restricted their activities in some way, according to a survey by the American Podiatric Medical Association. Fortunately, some minor adjustments to your lifestyle can make a major difference.
In this article brought to you by Podiatry Centers of Maryland, we go over the importance and benefits of stretching your feet. If you experience chronic foot pain that seems to never go away, then consider scheduling an appointment with a podiatrist, also known as a foot doctor. Podiatry Centers of Maryland is proud to serve our community with two clinics in the area.

The Importance of Stretching

Stretching, also aptly known as “warming up,” can help improve blood circulation and blood flow to your muscles. It can help improve muscle flexibility, increase your range of motion, and reduce the risk of injury or inflammation. Without stretching, the muscles in your feet can shorten and/or become tight, and one wrong or sudden movement can mean big trouble. Just as you warm up your automobile engine before driving off, you should stretch and warm up before starting a long day on your feet.
Stretching the feet is not only preventative. It can also help alleviate pain and discomfort in the feet and lower legs. 

Some Foot Stretches to Try

We’re going to share some foot stretches you can try at home, but check with your podiatrist before you start any of these exercises if your feet and ankles hurt too much or if you have arthritis or diabetes. Also, do not push so hard that it hurts. These stretches should provide relief, not pain.

  • Limber up your ankles by sitting in a chair and lifting one leg up off the floor, then make circles with that foot by rotating it in a clockwise direction 15 times and then counterclockwise 15 times. Repeat with your other foot. 
  • To stretch the bottom of the feet, stand up and step your left leg back with your heel raised and toes pressed against the ground. Hold this for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat with your right foot.
  • To stretch the top of the feet, stand up then raise your left heel and curl your toes under, pressing the top of your toes against the ground. Hold this for 20 to 30 seconds and repeat with your right foot.

Again, stop if any of these stretches cause too much pain. The information in this article should not be used as a substitute for direct medical advice from your physician.

When to See a Podiatrist

If stretching does not alleviate the pain or aching in your feet and ankles, you should have the chronic pain evaluated by a qualified podiatrist. Also consider visiting a podiatrist if you have arthritis or diabetes. The professionals at Podiatry Centers of Maryland offer foot pain treatment as well as diabetic foot care. We are always happy to take your call.

January 24,2023

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